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Lucy's Garden Spot

- Urban gardening in Dorchester, MA

I took the afternoon off yesterday, and we did a bunch more stuff. Gave some bamboo stakes to the rapidly-growing hops to train them towards the chainlink fence. Moved excess soil from higher raised bed into the 2nd perennial bed and elsewhere around the yard, added three bags of compost and some mix of vermiculite, peat and perlite and turned it together a bunch; probably need to add another 2-3 bags of compost yet, and then it'll be ready for tomatoes, okra, eggplant, parsnips and some other stuff. Planted nine asparagus crowns and seven ever-bearing strawberry plants (two varieties) in the 1st perennial bed. Finished prepping the soil in the 2nd perennial bed, and planted three varieties of mint at one end; the rest will probably be different herbs, but we may just do some annual flowers for the moment and come back to this later. Mulched around the beds in front of the house with buckwheat hulls. Installed three plant hangers on the front porch for two blue hanging Lobelia and one fuchsia Petunia purchased at Cedar Grove Gardens.


Lawyer Jen said...

Looking up the mint varieties I became Wikimpeded

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