Today I cut away at the lilac tree. I call it a tree because it was very tall and had not been pruned properly. It was too leggy and would have gotten in the way of my sunny perennial garden that I'm planning for that corner. It still needs a bit more pruning to get it down to only a few feet. Also, we'll need to remove some of the old wood to make it a more compact bush.
On Saturday, Paul worked outside and was able to get quite a few things done. The bird bath has been installed on the pine stump in the southeast corner. He planted a bunch of arugula in the second raised bed. When I got home last night I worked at weeding around the lilac and moving some plants around, some of which I have no idea what they are so hopefully I have selected new spots wisely. I think they were two kinds of mums, but we'll see when they bloom. We planted the Hemerocallis (daylilies) that were gifts from our landscape design instructor along with other daylilies located around the utility pole. We also planted a cinnamon fern back by the compost. I want to start a shady perennial garden back there that will be cool and hide the compost bin a bit. I think it will do well as there are some ferns back by the fence already.
Other news, I graduated from my Master Urban Gardener at Home (MUG @ Home) class on Saturday. I have to put in 35 hours of volunteer work before the program is complete. That shouldn't be a problem since I've volunteered myself to help a few other MUG @ Home grads and friends.
Tonight we'll enjoy some of our fresh greens from the garden. We're having BLT's and salad. Yum!