Well, obviously it's been a long time since I've been writing anything and not that I did that much of it before, but now that we have a garden I/we will be writing about that as a log of sorts. We haven't decided on a name for the garden, so I'm just gonna use this blog until we figure it out.
So far we've planted 3 varieties of hops, victoria rhubarb, and some pansies in planters (3/29/10) on the porch. For the hops and rhubarb we dug holes and filled them with a mix of compost from the Millers and soil. For mulch we used straw from last fall we got for decoration. Yesterday, we dug two holes for the raspberry bushes, autumn gold and jewel varieties. On 3/27 we made seedlings for arugula, mesclun mix, spinach, swiss chard, kolhrabi and red sunflowers. We're storing them upstairs near the vents so they can keep warm.
The hops were planted along the chain-link fence at the north side of the yard. From the rear of the yard, we planted Cascade, Centennial, and Willamette hops rhizomes.
The seedlings we started were done at a workshop we attended at Allendale Farm in Brookline last Saturday. Seems like a cool place.
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