Probably no one here is sad about the fact that the brussel sprouts have some kind of bug, probably aphids. I pulled one plant yesterday because it was totally infested. Today I sprayed a combination of water, soap and canola oil on them. We just had a downpour of rain, so hopefully that will help. If it doesn't I'll need to purchase some insecticidal oil/soap stuff.
Otherwise, the garden looks pretty good. The collards are growing well. I picked the first kohlrabi which Sabrina and I shared this morning.
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Yay! We have fruits on at least two plants. Looks like the birds got to the few green and lima beans that actually sprouted. Tonight we enjoyed raspberries (black and golden) and I had a blueberry. The birds helped themselves to the tall bush while we were away, but that's ok. We'll get to covering it this week.
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Yesterday I purchased and planted some marketmore cucumbers and planted green bean and lima bean seeds.
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All of the hops have now reached the chain-link fence, and are starting to climb. I spent a while this evening disentangling the bines that were growing in the wrong direction and were trying to climb the bamboo stakes and yarn perimeter we erected around them to discourage the dog from tramping on them. I've got most of them redirected towards the fence now. Go hops go!
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So it looks like I better come up with a plan B, cuz plan A just fell into the crapper. My first year at berries and veggies has become only somewhat successful so far, mostly in part because of the unusually warm weather we are having. The arugula, and spinach have already bolted. Now, out of the 48 radish seeds we planted, I'd say 40+ germinated and grew, some grew more than others (which is the case with all of the things we've planted from seed). We've been able to eat maybe 10 or 12. Today I've noticed that they were beginning to bolt, so I pulled them rest of them. Some looked ok, but most were more like narrow little tap roots.
Now, what should I plant there? Maybe that other mesclun seed mix? Lima beans?
Now, what should I plant there? Maybe that other mesclun seed mix? Lima beans?
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I finally filled in the corner bed with sunflowers, coneflowers and black-eyed susans. Let's hope the birds and squirrels don't have a party with all those seeds. I also planted some hollyhocks along the fence between the hops and the tall bush blueberry.
This morning I helped a fellow gardener from the MUG @ Home class. She need to fill her bed with topsoil and wanted to plant some squash, sunflowers and popcorn. Her neighbor had given her the sunflower seedlings and asked if we wanted some collards. I took some and planted them in the first raised bed when I got back. They've already wilted, so let's hope they come back.
This morning I helped a fellow gardener from the MUG @ Home class. She need to fill her bed with topsoil and wanted to plant some squash, sunflowers and popcorn. Her neighbor had given her the sunflower seedlings and asked if we wanted some collards. I took some and planted them in the first raised bed when I got back. They've already wilted, so let's hope they come back.
Posted by Lawyer Jen Wednesday, June 02, 2010